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Avondale College works together with parents and caregivers to support the successful learning experience of each student. Communication happens in a variety of ways; the links on this page are useful ones for our families.


If your contact details have changed, please let us know!

Download the Change of Contact Details form,

and email to:


Keep up to date with what is happening at Avcol.​


Students should attend school every day unless they are ill. Legally, any enrolled student must attend every day and it is the responsibility of parents alongside schools to make sure they attend. Moreover, there is a strong and significant relationship between attending school and the likelihood of leaving school with qualifications to get into further education and careers.


You can report your child's absence in several ways.

1. By logging in to Family Connection (FACTS) and sending an Absence Notification via the Available E-Forms menu at top left. (Preferred)

2. By emailing  Please state your child's name, year level, home room and reason for absence.

3. By phoning our absence line on 09 820 1071. Leave your child's name, year level, home room, and reason for their absence. A signed note must be provided for the Home Room teacher when the student returns to school.

4. By responding to absence text. If we send a text because your child is absent at the start of the day, please reply with the reason by 3:00pm.

Requests for a student to be away from school for any period of time (e.g. overseas trips) must be made by the student's parents/caregivers in writing to the Principal.

For more information, please see the Attendance Procedures pamphlet by clicking on the below button


Students leaving or arriving outside of regular school hours are required to sign in and out of school at our Attendance Station. Please provide your child with a signed note explaining the reason for their departure or late arrival.

FAMILY Connection

'Family Connection' is the name of our parent portal which provides families with a range of information. Each family is given an individual 7 digit code that allows them to login to the portal.


Here, you can access information such as class allocations, timetable, class teachers, NCEA and Cambridge results, attendance data and more.

Family accounts can also be viewed and student fees paid via our secure payment portal.

Bookings for report evenings are made through this portal as well.



To set up your Family Connection access for the first time, please complete the details in our Forgot Password page. An email will be sent with your login details. 

(Please note: This email will automatically go to the first parent listed on the enrolment form when our records show both parents reside together with the child.)


School-related costs will be added to the student's account and payment can be made in several ways.

  • Online by credit or debit card through our secure payment portal via your Family Connection link

  • By internet banking to our account at Westpac, New Lynn Branch: 03-0109-0291016-00.
    In the reference fields, please write your seven digit Family Code and also indicate what you are paying for (eg NETBALL or CAMP etc).

  • By EFTPOS, cash or credit card to our school cashier (in Reception), Monday to Friday between 8:00am and 4:00pm.


Avondale College reports on the progress of students each term. (These reports are also available in Family Connection under the Documents tab.) 

Report Evenings are held in the final week of Terms 1, 2 and 3, to allow parents the opportunity to meet with their child's teachers and to discuss their progress.

To book an interview with your child's teacher, login to Family Connection, and click on 'Book a Teacher Interview'.  The link will take you to a booking sheet where you can select suitable times to see your child's teachers. It is advisable to leave a gap between appointments to enable you to move to the different rooms.


If one of your child's teachers is not visible on the booking sheet, this is because they are unavailable for this evening.

To delete a booking you have made, just click again on the cell and the booking will clear.


Please note:  The 'Book a Teacher Interview'  option only becomes available in the two weeks prior to the interview and closes on the Sunday before the interview date. Bookings made after the close-off date will need to made in person by your child with the form provided with the progress report.


Our students are well supported by a caring network of people who work together to enhance students' social, physical and academic wellbeing.


Our canteen provider is Deejays, offering a range of delicious and healthy food. Visit Deejay's Avondale College Facebook page here.
Orders can be made online, with ezilunch, via your Mykindo account. Click the link below to set up your account and order.
Whānau Handbook

Our Whānau Handbook is a useful document containing logistical and administrative information for families beginning their connection with Avondale College.

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