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Alert Level 3: Information for Parents

Updated: Aug 17, 2020

12 August 2020

Dear Parents and Caregivers

The announcement that Auckland is now at COVID-19 Alert Level 3 is one that none of us wanted. Thank you very much for your support in following the instructions given by government, and keeping your children at home.

School is only open to children who need to attend, particularly those who have parents and caregivers working in essential services. If your child needs to come to school please contact Mrs Drew, Deputy Principal,

Students attending school during Alert Level 3 should report to the Attendance Office in E block. They must wear full school uniform, bring a water bottle and food for the day, and it is recommended that they bring a mask (although this is not compulsory in schools).

Health and Safety

The health and safety of our community is our highest concern. As we did last term, we will follow all of the public health guidelines for students who attend school, including physical distancing, maintaining contact registers and frequent hand washing (with hand sanitiser available). Parents should not come into school unless absolutely necessary.

Teaching and Learning

All students are encouraged to continue their learning at home if they can. Students who have ongoing classwork, homework or exam related work at home should prioritise completing that. Where possible, teachers will contact their classes over the next couple of days, to provide work.

Most of the TV programmes that were recorded for Home Learning TV are still available on demand through TVNZ. There are some excellent programmes that are very relevant to Year 9 and Year 10 students.

Senior School exams

School exams will be delayed by a few days, and will run from Wednesday 19 August to Wednesday 26 August inclusive. Senior students should utilise the next few days for revision.

Hard copy learning materials

There is considerable uncertainty regarding the next few weeks, and we strongly recommend that Year 9 and Year 10 students who do not have school work at home or a device, come to school at the following times to collect hard copy study materials. As we did in March, just the student (or one parent) should come into the Atrium. Other family members should stay in the car.

Thursday 13 August 10am-12pm

Friday 14 August 10am-12pm


Last term a small number of students were provided with Ministry of Education laptops. If the laptop is at school, the student / family will be contacted, and invited to come to school to collect it in the next few days. If you have any questions around this contact Mr Hill, Deputy Principal,

School activities and events

As we receive further information and announcements over the next few days we will review school activities and events and make further decisions as necessary.

All school activities until the end of this week have been postponed, including school trips and co-curricular activities. The school show rehearsal on Sunday is cancelled.

Rugby games this weekend have been postponed until Saturday 29th August and we will forward notifications about other Saturday sports fixtures as we receive them.

Trip 11 to Taurewa, due to depart on Monday 17 August is postponed.

The payment date for the School Ball has been extended to Wednesday 19 August.

Communication with school

The best way to contact school at this time is using email. A full list of staff names and email addresses is on our website, under Our School > Our Team.

General concerns, or concerns about student wellbeing should be sent to the year level Dean or one of our Guidance Department. Subject specific concerns should be sent to the subject teacher or Director.

Questions or concerns about digital access for students should be sent to Concerns about digital safety or inappropriate use of digital platforms may be referred to this email address, but should also be reported to Netsafe –

Thank you for your ongoing support of Avondale College. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions. We look forward to welcoming students back to school soon.

Yours sincerely

Mrs L Watkinson Principal

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