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Covid Update from the Principal 24/2

Updated: Feb 26, 2022

Dear Parents and Caregivers

As we work to manage the current COVID-19 outbreak, the health and wellbeing of our children, staff and community is a top priority. Over the last few days, and since my previous email regarding COVID-19, we have had about 20 further cases amongst students who attend our school.

We are communicating with families as fast as possible when we believe their child may be a close contact. Public Health do not notify us of any confirmed cases under Phase 2 of the Omicron response. If your child is confirmed as a COVID case, please notify us as soon as possible, so that we can pass on relevant information to their contacts at school. Please be aware that students who are wearing a mask or are outside will probably not be designated as a close contact.

What we’re doing

  • School will stay open.

  • We have appropriate public health measures and cleaning procedures in place.

  • We will inform the families of any school-related close contacts as soon as we are able to.

What you need to do

  • We have set up a straightforward digital form that you can use to report to us that your child is a confirmed case or a household contact. This is available below, and it will also be on Student Hub on our intranet, and in this week’s edition of Heartbeat. This is for new cases only, you do not need to report cases that you have already spoken to one of our staff about.

  • If your child is confirmed as a COVID-19 case, please talk with them about who their close contacts may have been, and support them to message those people. It is helpful if you could also share that information with us at school. The confirmed case is probably the best judge of who they have been in close contact with.

  • Please do not send your child to school if they are unwell

  • You and your whānau should watch for COVID-19 symptoms

  • If any develop, get tested immediately, then stay at home until you receive the result

  • If your whānau hasn’t been vaccinated, please do so as soon as possible. You can book on-line at or by calling 0800 28 29 26. It’s free.

  • If you are concerned about any aspect of your child’s learning, please contact their Class Teacher or the relevant subject Director.

I will continue to update you about the COVID-19 situation at our school regularly, and if we have any concerns for your child’s health we will contact you as soon as we are able. Communications will be through email and our website. If you need to speak to any of our staff please use our website to access contact details.

Take care, and stay safe. Kohia ngā Taikākā.

Yours sincerely

Lyndy Watkinson PRINCIPAL

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