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Info for Juniors returning to school

We are looking forward to welcoming Year 9 and Year 10 students back to school on Monday 22 November. Every student must wear a mask, and supplies are available at the College Shop for purchase. Hand sanitiser will be available in every classroom, we are prioritising ventilation and desks will be separated as far as possible.


  • Distance Learning continues until Friday 19 November

  • Monday 22 November Year 9 and Year 10 students return to school

  • Friday 10 December Last day of school for students

We strongly encourage all Year 9 and Year 10 students to return to school to enable them to complete the year positively with their classmates and teachers. Over the past few weeks students at school have established strong routines around mask wearing, hand sanitising and physical distancing (particularly from people that they don’t know well). It will benefit junior students greatly to experience these restrictions prior to the summer break, as we anticipate many of the requirements continuing into next year.

Junior Exams will not take place. It is likely that in some subjects students will do skills based assessments, as this will provide valuable information about their current curriculum levels and help us to plan learning programmes for next year. Year 10 students will also have the opportunity to achieve Level 1 credits in a range of subject areas, which will contribute to their 2022 qualification.

We previously published dates for two Teacher Only Days in November and December. We do not wish to interrupt student learning any further this year, so we have rescheduled these days to Monday 13 and Tuesday 14 December, which means the end of the school year for Year 9 and Year 10 will be on Friday 10 December. This will also create a 15 day gap between the end of classes and Christmas, therefore reducing the risk of staff or students needing to self-isolate over the holiday period.

It appears very unlikely that Junior Prizegiving will be able to take place as planned. We will confirm arrangements for the presentation of Year 9 and Year 10 prizes later in the term.

Please have a look at the Sway presentation below to find out more about what students can expect from their different subjects when they return.

To view in full screen, click the four arrows at top right

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