Our senior students who returned to school this week have spent time with both homeroom teachers and subject teachers to make sure they have a clear understanding of where they’re at with their NCEA achievement, and what they need to focus on to make the most of the weeks leading up to their end-of-year examinations. Students should have set specific goals for each subject, and be utilising class time and tutorials, to get the help they need to finish this academic year well.
Students have been given an updated Achievement Tracking sheet, showing how many credits they have achieved this year, as well as how many total credits they have gained at NCEA Levels 1, 2 or 3.
Learner Recognition Credits (LRCs)
Students in Auckland qualify for Learner Recognition Credits (LRCs) this year. For every 4 credits they have achieved, they gain one LRC (up to a maximum of 16 for Level 1, and 12 for Levels 2 or 3). These are to help students who need it, gain the required total of 80 credits for Level 1, and 60 credits for Levels 2 or 3. Note: LRCs are awarded as Achieved level credits, so don’t help students gain Merit or Excellence Endorsement for NCEA.

Your child can show you how many total credits they have achieved towards their NCEA qualification this year, including Learner Recognition Credits. If they have any questions about their achievement they should see their homeroom teacher or dean.
Unexpected Event Grades (UEGs)
Students in Auckland also qualify for Unexpected Event Grades (UEGs) for externally assessed Achievement Standards this year (e.g. end-of-year exams). They can only be awarded a UEG, however, if they have provided their subject teacher with sufficient evidence of work towards that Achievement Standard (e.g. completed a practice examination or submitted relevant work during class or online learning). Teachers are spending time this week helping students provide the evidence needed, if they have not done this already.
Students are expected to attend their end-of-year examinations as normal, if they are well and able to do so. If they attend, they will be awarded the better of the two grades, from their exam or their UEG. If they are not able to attend because of a COVID related reason, they will be awarded the UEG.
If your child is unsure about whether they have provided enough evidence to be awarded an Unexpected Event Grade, they should see their subject teacher.
Tutorials and IPAC
Tutorials are available to senior students over the next few weeks. Students are encouraged to go to a tutorial if they need additional support for a particular subject.
IPAC is a program that is run at Avondale College to support students who need a final push to achieve their year-appropriate qualification, after senior students finish school to go on exam leave. Students are invited to come to tutorials and workshops, run by teachers, and you will receive a letter in the coming weeks if your child should attend IPAC for one or more of their subjects.
At Avondale College, our aim is excellence. This means that every student, no matter their year level or academic ability, endeavours to achieve personal standards of excellence. For some students, this will be getting to 60 credits for NCEA Level 2. For other students, this will be achieving a Merit Endorsement in Mathematics. For others, this might be gaining enough credits to get into the courses they have chosen for 2022. Whatever the achievement, we want every student to look back on 2021 and be proud of the tenacity and endeavour they have developed on their way to achieving their qualification this year.
For more information about changes to NCEA and UE visit: