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Tēnā koutou katoa

Happy New Year! I hope that our students, their whānau, friends and wider community had a restful and enjoyable holiday period.

Welcome back to school, and a special welcome to those students and families who join our Avondale College community this week.

We start the year feeling incredibly proud of our students for all that they achieved last year. 2020 was a year that presented many challenges, but the academic outcomes of our students were exceptional. Year 13 students maintained our very high levels of University Entrance qualification, and our students have gained a record number of Cambridge International Awards. 93% of our senior students achieved their year level qualification, and junior assessments indicated significant progress by Year 9 and Year 10 students over the year. The ever-improving outcomes of our Māori and Pasifika learners continue to significantly outperform national measures.

These achievements are remarkable, and are a testament to the students, their families, and our team of expert teachers. The partnership between student, home and school is critical, and that was particularly true in 2020. Through a shared commitment to the success of the young people we work with, teaching and learning continued through the school closures, and every lesson counted once school re-opened. The results of that shared effort are evident.

Many congratulations to all of our students – you have set the bar high for 2021!

All the best for a happy and successful year. Kohia ngā Taikākā.

- Mrs L Watkinson, Principal


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