20 August 2021
Dear Parent, Caregiver, Staff Member
An update for Avondale College – day 5 tests This letter is to update you with some important information about testing for Avondale College staff and students. It is important that everyone who was at the school is in self-isolation and is tested at least twice, around now and on day 12, towards the end of the isolation period. Some people have also managed to be tested ‘immediately’ as requested, but they will need another test on Monday 23 August and on day 12 as below. For those who have not been able to get tested because of long queues and wait times at testing centres, they will need to get tested today or over the weekend, and this will be counted as their day 5 test. We realise that testing has been difficult and we thank you for your patience and understanding. When this test result comes back negative, then the members of your household no longer need to stay at home. Even if students or staff members have received a negative day 5 test result, they need to have another test on day 12, and stay in self – isolation until the date below. This is the latest advice for the Avondale College community. There is a testing centre at Avondale Race Course, 22 Ash Road, for Avondale College students, whanau and staff. This is open from 8.30 – 4.30 on Saturday 21st August 2021. The new testing centre is for the school community only, so will help to alleviate some of the frustration experienced when trying to get a test. Please give the following code to the testing staff when you visit: SURV- TM18SC1. Find your nearest testing centre here. Information for household members of close contacts Household members of close contacts must stay at home until the student or staff member has returned a negative day 5 test result, from a test taken today or on Saturday, Sunday or Monday. Household members need to wait for the result before they can return to normal life, however. COVID-19 information is available in 26 languages on the Auckland Regional Public Health website under Factsheets & Translations. Or use this link https://www.arphs.health.nz/public-health-topics/covid-19/covid-19-information- for-our-communities/ Avondale College COVID-19 test (5-day test) - If already had a test: Test on 23 August
COVID-19 test (5-day test) - If have not had a test: Today or any time this weekend
COVID-19 test (12-day test) 29 August
End of isolation 31 August
Everyone in the school community is also asked to watch for symptoms of COVID-19. These can include one or more of the following:
sneezing and runny nose
a new or worsening cough
sore throat
a fever of at least 38°C
shortness of breath
temporary loss of smell or altered sense of taste
muscle pain or body aches
nausea and vomiting.
Please get tested and call Healthline: 0800 358 5453 (a free, 24/7 service with interpreters available) if you have any symptoms. More information for close contacts is at www.arphs.health.nz or www.covid19.govt.nz. Thank you for your support. Yours sincerely Medical Officer of Health Auckland Regional Public Health Service